Teen Room:
Times vary please see schedule. A great place for kids from ages 13 to 20 to hang out and have some fun. There will be video game competitions, live music and movies to watch. It’s a place to hang out and get away from the “old people”. If you’re not into dancing come on in and play cards, chess or just hang out and talk to some old friends and meet some new ones. Registration is required. Teen Attic: Ages 15-20; Nightly fun from 9:00pm till 2:00pm. Enjoy a private lounge with nightly live entertainment. Registration is required. Ice Cream Social: Sunday, July 5, 2pm-3pm Teens! Feeling a little anxious? Is your sweet tooth acting up? Looking for friends? Well, we’ve got the cure for your triple threat! This is a great event for new comers. The ice cream social, is a great way to meet new people, make new friends, and enjoy some ice cream. Don’t miss this “cool” event. Registration is required. Teen Pizza Party: Monday, July 6, 12:30pm-2:30pm NY Pizza! Come one teen come all to an Outside Pizza Party! Registration is required. Teen Scavenger Hunt: Start in The Teen Room, Monday, July 6 at 3:00pm! Go on an overnight hunt! Groups will be formed and a list will be given. Your team will start searching the hotel for the treasures. We’ll meet back in The Teen Room on Tuesday, July 7 at 1:00pm. The team who has the most items will be rewarded! Teen Jeopardy: Tuesday, July 7, 3pm. We all know it exists; it’s not so easy to talk about. Then how can you be so sure you know all there is to know about it? You can’t. Not unless you come to the Jeopardy-style game that deals with some of teens most common and important “DOs and DON’Ts.” No preteens, please. It’s not as bad as it sounds! Registration is required * Teen Lunch and Trip: Enjoy lunch and the Blue Man Group along with your fellow teen’s see Trips section for details. Registration is required. The Attic: Ages 14 - 20; Sit back, relax, and enjoy each other’s company. The Attic provides a fun and inviting atmosphere. It’s a great place to meet new friends and spend time with old ones. To spice up the mood, featured New York musicians will perform original, as well as cover, music. Music not your thing? Don’t fret! There will be movie nights, games and more! | (Click banners for details) |
Got Questions? Email info@lpanyc2009.org or call (631) 752-3105
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